Mitzvot P1-P9, P10-P19, P20-P28, P29-P38, P39-P44, P45-P53, P54-P60, P61-P71, P72-P76, P77-P91,
Nakedness: N80
Nakedness not uncovered thereon: N80
Name of YHWH: P126
Nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom: (MESS)
Nations: P185
Nations served: P185
Native (Born in the land): N60
Nazir (Nazirite/Nazrene): N202
Nazirite: P93
Naziriteship: P92
Near of kin: N353
Neck: P72
Necromancy: N31
Needy brother: N231
Needy man: N232
Neglect of commandments by traditions: P68
Neglect of Duty: P57
Neighbor: P177
Neighbor’s ass: P243
Neighbor’s beast to keep: P243
Neighbor’s money: P242
Neighbor’s ox: P243
Neighbor’s sheep: P243
Neighbor’s stuff: P242
Neither be plowed nor sown: P181
Neither be ye affrighted at them: P191
Neither cold nor hot, for you are lukewarm: (REV)
Neither from the hand of a foreigner: N96
Neither have I forgotten them: P131
Neither have I put away thereof: N150
Neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free man, neither male nor female, but one in Messiah: (MESS)
Neither let it be heard out of thy mouth: N14
Neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: N39
Neither shall any covet thy land: P53
Neither shall be left overnight unto the morning the sacrifice: N115
Neither shall he be charged with any thing: P214
Neither shall he change it: P78
Neither shall he put any frankincense thereon: P72
Neither shall he multiply to himself wives: N364
Neither shall leaven not been seen with thee in all thy borders: N198
Neither shall remain all night any of the flesh: N118
Neither shall the children be put to death for the father: N287
Neither shall the sun goes down: P200
Neither shall the sun go down upon it: P200
Neither shall there a sodomite of the sons of Yisrael: N355
Neither shall thine eye pity him: N17
Neither shall thou go up by steps unto Mine altar: N80
Neither shall thou mar the corners of thy beards: N43
Neither shall ye deal falsely: N244
Neither shall ye defile yourselves: N177
Neither shall you lay upon him interest: P197
Neither shall you make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should be defiled thereby: N179
Neither shalt any woman stand before a beast, to lie down thereto: N348
Neither shalt thou bear witness in a cause to turn aside after a multitude to pervert justice: P175
Neither shalt thou conceal him: N17
Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's house: N266
Neither shalt thou make marriages with them: N51
Neither shalt thou profane the name of thy Eloheyak: N7
Neither shalt thou set up a pillar, which YHWH thy Eloheyak hateth: N11
Neither shalt thou spare: N17
Neither shalt thou suffer it to lacking the salt of the covenant of thy Elohim: P62
Neither she be taken in the act: P223
Neither they, nor ye: N72
Neither your clothes rend, that ye die not: N163
Nests: P148
Never taste death: (MESS)
Nevertheless those ye shall not eat of them that only chew the cud: N172
Nevertheless those ye shall not eat of them that only have the hoof: N172
New heavens and new earth: (MESS)
New heaven and new earth, no sea, new Jerusalem: (REV)
New husband: P221
New Jerusalem: (MESS)
New possessions: P117
New Testament forgiveness: P72
New wife: P214
New wine: N141
New wine made not by hands: N73
New/Full Moon westward to observe: P42
Night: P153
Night-hawk: N174
Ninety-nine perfect sheep vs. one lost sheep: P61
No benefit from ornaments which have adorned an idol (N22)
No blemish: P113
No blemish shall be therein: P61
No chametz may be seen in our homes during Pesach (N200)
No child: P216
No city of refuge for the wicked: P182
No conviction based on circumstantial evidence alone (N290)
No covenant: N48
No delay for all of us: (REV)
No eye pity him: N17
No favor in his eyes: P213
No fear: N57
No fear of the perishable body vs. fear of His consummation of both bodies: (MESS)
No figured stones (dias) to lay prostrate on (N12)
No flesh and blood can inherit the kingdom of Life, nor the perishable inherit the imperishable: (MESS)
No great faith found in Yisrael (sons of this world of mortality) vs. faithfulness in children of His sanctification: (MESS)
No harm for the spiritual bodies vs. His harm for the fleshly bodies: (REV)
No husband vs. five husbands: P37
No inheritance for the Levites: P129
No leavened bread is seen in our homes at the end of Aviv 14 (Pesach): N200
No leavened bread shall be eaten: N197
No longer any death, mourning, crying, pain, the first things pass away: (REV)
No man seeing it: P243
No man shall sanctify it: N107
No meat of Aviv 14 Festive Offering remain till day (N118)
No meat of 2nd Pesach lamb Offering to remain till morning (N119)
No meat of Thanksgiving Offering to remain till morning (N120)
No mercy: N48
No one can escape passing His judgment, till the end of his fleshly age: (MESS)
No one can serve two masters: (MESS)
No one has ascended into heaven but He who descended from heaven: (MESS)
No one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth can open the book: (REV)
No one is able to enter His temple until the seven plagues are finished: (REV)
No one serving false Elohim to settle in Eretz-Israel (N51)
No one will buy or sell except the one who has the mark of the beast: (REV)
No other elohim: N1
No other elohim before Me: P1
No peace: P190
No pity: P247
No place is found for Satan and his angels in heaven as His Kingdom is restored for all of us: (REV)
No power to sell her: P233
No razor shall come upon his head: N209
No relations with a menstruant (N346)
No relations (harlotry) with a woman outside marriage (N355)
No relations with another man's wife (N347)
No relations with brother's wife (N344)
No relations with one's daugher (N336)
No relations with one's daughter's daughter (N335)
No relations with one's father's sister (N340)
No relations with one's father's wife (N331)
No relations with one's mother (N330)
No relations with one's mother's sister (N341)
No relations with one's sister (N332)
No relations with one's son's daughter (N334)
No relations with one's son's wife (N343)
No relations with sister of wife, during wife's life (N345)
No relations with step-sister (N333)
No relations with wife of father's brother (N342)
No relations with woman and her daughter (N337)
No relations with woman and her son's daughter (N338)
No relations with woman and her daughter's daughter (N339)
No respect: P177
No restitution: P243
No servile work: P159
No son: P248
No spiritual bodies (souls) are perished except for the fleshly bodies: (MESS)
No strange idol in you: N22
No unrighteousness: P208
No wickedness among you: P228
No witness: P223
No wrath against us: N67
Noah's days: the wicked (old) earth, repentance, sanctification, new earth: N2 (MESS)
None shall appear before Me empty: P52
Nor any manner of likeness, of anything that is in the heaven from above: N2
Nor any of thy vows which thou vowest: N141
Nor be alarmed: P191
Nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people: P206
Nor break a bone thereof: P57
Nor cause the people to return to Egypt: N46
Nor change it: N106
Nor come into the sanctuary: N129
Nor come to pass: N29
Nor diminish from it: N313
Nor gather (the grapes in it,) of the undressed vines: N224
Nor given thereof for the dead: N150
Nor hearken unto him: N17
Nor his daughter shalt thou take for thy son: N52
Nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead: N45
Nor redeemed: N110
Nor serve them: N5
Nor shall ye lie one to another: N244
Nor shall ye practice soothsaying: N31
Nor shalt thou favor the person of the mighty: P177
Nor shear the firstling of thy flock: N113
Nor show mercy unto them: N48
Nor sodden at all with water: P56
Nor take it unto thee: N22
Nor take to pledge the raiment of a widow: N241
Nor the offerings of thy hand: N141
Nor thy freewill-offerings: N141
Nor unto familiar spirits: N8
Nor with their eloheyhem a covenant: N48
Not a hair from the head perished: (MESS)
Not abducting an Israelite (N243)
Not accepting a ransom from an unwitting murderer (N295)
Not accepting a ransom from a willful murderer (N296)
Not acknowledge the Elohim: P2
Not afflicting the orphans and widows (N256)
Not all men accept what is opposed to the relationship of man and wife: P37
Not all Yisrael descended from Yisrael but through Yitschak (Issac) you are named/saved: (MESS)
Not allowing a heathen to mistreat a Hebrew bondman (N260)
Not appointing a king who is not of the seed of Yisrael (N362)
Not appointing an unlearned judge ignorant of the Torah (N284)
Not approach to offer the Bread of Elohim: N70
Not associate with a gentile to idolatry: N15
Not avenging against the children of people: P206
Not be afraid of him: N29
Not bearing false witness (N285)
Not believing in any other Elohim except the One El (Elohim) (N1)
Not betrothed: P220
Not blaspheming the Holy Name of Elohim [rather]: (N60)
Not borrowing from another Jew at interest (N236)
Not bow down thyself to them: N5
Not changing the order of separating the various tithes (N154)
Not cheating/defrauding with measurements and weights (N271)
Not conceal him: N17
Not consent to him: N17
Not consult a necromancer who uses the ov (N36)
Not consulting a sorcerer who uses the ydo’a (N37)
Not convicting on the testimony of a single witness (N288)
Not cover it: P238
Not coveting another man's possessions/property, etc. (N265)
Not cursing parents (N318)
Not demanding payment from a debtor known unable to pay (N234)
Not deriving benefit from property of an apostate city (N24)
Not destroying fruit trees, even in time of war (N57)
Not dwell in thy land: N51
Not eat blood: N31
Not eating or drinking to excess, gluttony and drunkenness (N195)
Not eating the 2nd tithe while in mourning (N151)
Not eating untithed produce, tevel (N153)
Not employing a Hebrew bondman in degrading tasks (N257)
Not espoused her to himself: P233
Not exceed beatings: P224
Not exclude the marriage to an Edomite: N54
Not exclude the marriage to an Egyptian: N55
Not fearing or refraining from killing a false prophet (N29)
Not fearing the enemy in time of war (N58)
Not forgetting the evil which Amalek did to us (N59)
Not fraudulently altering land boundaries / landmarker (N246)
Not go about after you used to go astray: N47
Not go about after your own eyes: N47
Not go about after your own heart: N47
Not go to war: P214
Not handing over a slave who's fled to Yisrael (N254)
Not harming the stranger among you verbally (N252)
Not hearken to him: N17
Not ignoring lost property to be returned to its owner (N269)
Not injuring the stranger among you in business/trade (N253)
Not keep him in: P237
Not keeping a poor man's pledge when he needs it (N240)
Not killing a murderer without trial and conviction (N292)
Not leaving obstacles on public or private domain (N298)
Not lending to another Jew at interest (N235)
Not let thy seed pass thru fire to Molech: N7
Not listening to the words of false prophet: N28
Not make to yourself molten elohim: N3
Not making cuttings in your flesh over your dead (N45)
Not marry the one serving other elohim: N52
Not marry to stranger: P216
Not marry to the males of Moab/Ammon: N53
Not misleading another by giving wrong advice (N299)
Not murdering a human being (N289)
Not observe times: N31
Not one bone broken: P58
Not one stone of fleshly temple saved: (MESS)
Not participating in an agreement involving interest (N237)
Not pass thru the fire: N31
Not permitting a witch/sorcerer to live (N310)
Not permitted to make peace with Ammon and Moav (N56)
Not plant any tree near the altar of YHWH: N13
Not pour oil: P223
Not practicing divination (N31)
Not practicing enchantment (N33)
Not practicing soothsaying (N32)
Not practicing sorcery (N34)
Not practicing the art of the charmer (N35)
Not profaning the Holy Name of Elohim (N63)
Not prophesying falsely in the Name of Elohim (N27)
Not prophesying in the name of idols (N26)
Not punishing a person for a sin committed under duress (N294)
Not put her away all the days: P218
Not put over thee a foreigner: P173
Not remain all night upon the tree: N66
Not repudiating debts, denying receipt of loan/deposit (N248)
Not returning to Egypt to dwell there permanently (N46)
Not robbing (N245)
Not seek information from the dead, necromancy (N38)
Not seethe (boil) a kid: P125
Not selling a captive woman (N263)
Not selling a Hebrew bondman (N258)
Not selling a Hebrew maidservant and if you marry her (N261)
Not sending a Hebrew bondman away empty-handed (N233)
Not shaving the temples/sides of your head (N43)
Not shaving your beard (N44)
Not stealing (N244)
Not suffer sin (bear): P205
Not taking a pledge from a debtor by force (N239)
Not taking any pledge from a widow (N241)
Not taking one's business or food utensils in pledge (N242)
Not taking the Holy Name in vain, shevuas shav (N62)
Not tattoo yourself, as is the manner of the idolaters (N41)
Not testing/trying His (YHWH Elohim) promises & warnings (N64)
Not to add to the Mitzvot/commandments of Torah (N313)
Not to allow an alien resident to eat Pesach offering (N126)
Not to allow an apostate to eat the Pesach offering (N128)
Not to bake the residue of a meal offering with leaven (N124)
Not to be intimate with a kinswoman (N353)
Not to bear a grudge (N305)
Not to bear hatred in your heart toward your brethren (N302)
Not to boil young male goat (meat) in its mother's milk (N186)
Not to bow down to an idol (N5)
Not to break any bones of Pesach lamb offering ( N121)
Not to break any bones of 2nd Pesach lamb offering (N122)
Not to break your word, even if without an oath (N157)
Not to burn the inner parts of blemished beast on Altar (N94)
Not to castrate a man or beast (N361)
Not to cause a consecrated offering to become blemished (N97)
Not to change sacrifices from one category to the other (N107)
Not to crossbreed animals of different species (N217)
Not to cultivate the soil in the 7th year (N220)
Not to curse a judge (N315)
Not to curse a ruler (N316)
Not to curse any Jew (N317)
Not to cut or cauterize (remove) other signs of leprosy (N308)
Not to dash the blood of a blemished beast on the Altar (N93)
Not to demand payment of debts after 7th year (N230)
Not to deny charity to the poor (N232)
Not to detract from the Mitzvot/commandments of Torah (N314)
Not to differ from or disobey the priests and the Judge (N312)
Not to divert any non-Jew to idolatry (N15)
Not to do any work with a dedicated beast (N113)
Not to eat an admixture of chametz/leaven(ed) on Pesach (N198)
Not to eat admixture of leaven during the seven days of Chag haMatzot: N198
Not to eat an animal which is torn or mauled, a treifah (N181)
Not to eat any animal which died naturally, a nevelah (N180)
Not to eat any creeping winged insect (N175)
Not to eat any detestable creature (N179)
Not to eat any limb taken from a living animal (N182)
Not to eat any unclean animal (N172)
Not to eat any unclean fish (N173)
Not to eat any unclean fowl (N174)
Not to eat anything on Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement (N196)
Not to eat anything which creeps on the earth (N176)
Not to eat blood (N184)
Not to eat certain types of fat of clean animal, chelev (N185)
Not to eat chametz, leaven(ed), after noon of 14 Nisan (N199)
Not to eat chametz, leaven(ed), on Pesach (N197)
Not to eat consecrated animals that've become blemished (N140)
Not to eat creeping thing that breeds in decayed matter (N177)
Not to eat leavened bread during the seven days of Chag haMatzot: N199
Not to eat living creatures that breeds in seeds/fruit (N178)
Not to eat orlah (foribbden fruit) (N192)
Not to eat sacrificial meat beyond the allotted time (N131)
Not to eat the flesh of a condemned and to be stoned ox (N188)
Not to eat the Meal-offering of a Cohen (N138)
Not to eat the meat of the burnt offering at all (N146)
Not to eat the Pesach offering boiled or raw (N125)
Not to eat the sinew of the thigh-vein, gid ha-nasheh (N183)
Not to eat young male goat cooked in its mother's milk (N187)
Not to erect a pillar which people assemble to honor (N11)
Not to exclude marrying an Egyptian who is a proselyte (N55)
Not to extinguish the Altar fire (N81)
Not to follow (imiate) one’s heart: N47
Not to follow one’s heart or eyes, straying to impurity (N47)
Not to gather ears of grain that fell during harvesting (N211)
Not to gather fruit in Jubilee year as in ordinary year (N226)
Not to gather single fallen grapes during the vintage (N213)
Not to gather the misformed clusters of grapes (N212)
Not to hand over my children to Molech (N7)
Not to have an ascent to the Altar by steps (N80)
Not to inflict punishment on the Shabbat (N322)
Not to interchange: N72
Not to intermarry at all with a male from Ammon or Moav (N53)
Not to intermarry with one serving false elohim (N52)
Not to leave the Levites without support (N229)
Not to love someone who seeks to mislead you to idols (N17)
Not to make a pact with the Seven Canaanite Nations (N48)
Not to make an idol (even for others) to worship (N3)
Not to make any oil except for the anointing Oil: N83
Not to make any oil the same as the Oil of Atonement (N83)
Not to make figures of human beings (N4)
Not to make images for the purpose of worship (N2)
Not to make incense same as burnt on Altar in Sanctuary (N85)
Not to minister in Sanctuary: N74
Not to multiply horses to yourself: N46
Not to offer a blemished sacrifice of a gentile (N96)
Not to offer a sacrifice without salt (N99)
Not to offer leaven or honey upon the Altar (N98)
Not to oppress evidence unfavorable to the misleader (N21)
Not to pity or spare the life or a pursuer (N293)
Not to plant trees in the Sanctuary/Temple (N13)
Not to plead for (defend) the misleader to idols (N20)
Not to possess chametz, leaven(ed), during Pesach (N201)
Not to possess false/inaccurate weights and measurements (N272)
Not to possess the leavened bread during Chag haMatzot: N201
Not to practice sorcery of the ov, necromancy (N8)
Not to practice sorcery of yidde’oni, familiar spirits (N9)
Not to prune the trees in the 7th year (N221)
Not to put frankincense: N105
Not to put frankincense on the jealousy offering, sotah (N105)
Not to put frankincense on the sin meal-offering (N103)
Not to put olive oil: N104
Not to put olive oil on the jealousy offering, sotah (N104)
Not to put olive oil on the sin meal-offering (N102)
Not to put one another to shame (N303)
Not to redeem a devoted (by the Cherem vow) field (N111)
Not to refuse loan to poor because 7th year is near (N231)
Not to relax one’s aversion to the misleader to idols (N18)
Not to remove Pesach offering from where it is eaten (N123)
Not to remove the Breastplate from the Ephod (N87)
Not to remove the staves from their rings in the Ark (N86)
Not to return for a forgotten sheaf (N214)
Not to sacrifice a beast with a temporary blemish (N95)
Not to save the life of a misleader to idols (N19)
Not to sell a devoted (by the Cherem vow) field (N110)
Not to sell the tithe of the herd of cattle (N109)
Not to sell/change the open lands of the Levites (N228)
Not to shave a leprous scall (N307)
Not to shear a dedicated flock (N114)
Not to show mercy to idolaters (N50)
Not to slaughter a blemished animal as a korban (N92)
Not to slaughter an animal & its young on the same day (N101)
Not to sow diverse kinds of seed in one field (N215)
Not to sow grain or vegetables in a vineyard (N216)
Not to spare the life of the Seven Canaanite Nations (N49)
Not to split head of bird slaughtered for Sin-offering (N112)
Not to strike parents (N319)
Not to study idolatrous practices (N10)
Not to substitute sacrifices (N106)
Not to swear falsely regarding another man's property (N249)
Not to take entire bird's nest, mother and her young (N306)
Not to take vengeance on another (N304)
Not to tear out hair for the dead (N171)
Not to tell tales (N301)
Not to till the earth or prune trees in Jubilee year (N224)
Not to try to persuade a Jew to worship idols (N16)
Not to use wine libations for idols, yayin nesach (N194)
Not to walk beyond permitted limits on Shabbat (N321)
Not to work on Shabbat (N320)
Not to work on Shavuot (N325)
Not to work on the first day of Pesach (N323)
Not to work on the first day of Sukkot (N327)
Not to work on the seventh day of Pesach (N324)
Not to work on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) (N329)
Not to work on Truah Zichron (Day of Trumpets) (N326)
Not to worship idols (N6)
Not treating a captive woman as a slave (N264)
Not treating a Hebrew bondman cruelly (N259)
Not turn aside from the Word: P174
Not usurping our debts / do not defraud (N247)
Not violating an oath by the Holy Name, shevuas bittui (N61)
Not walk in the manners of the nation: N30
Not wearing a mixture of wool and linen, hatnes (N42)
Not wronging/deceiving one another in business (N250)
Not wronging/misleading one another even verbally (N251)
Nothing of it remain until morning: P56
Number them: P70
Oath of YHWH between them: P243
Oaths: P4
Obedience: P5
Observation: P94
Observe East vs West: P42
Observe the month of Abib: P153
Observe to do all the words of this law: P16
Of a foreigner thou shalt exact it: P141
Of all clean birds you may eat: P150
Of fine flour shall be his offering: P67
Of that wherewith YHWH thy Eloheyak hath blessed thee: P196
Of the best of his own field: P240
Of the best of his own vineyard: P240
Of the elohim of the peoples that are round about you: N17
Of the first of your dough ye shall give unto YHWH a portion for a gift throughout your generations: P133
Of the first of your dough ye shall set apart a cake for a gift: P133
Of the fruit of the tree: P127
Of the fulness of thy harvest: P80
Of the holy thing he shall not eat: N136
Of the strangers that sojourn among them: P147
Of the outflow of thy presses: P80
Of their flesh ye shall not eat: P96
Of them that only have the hoof cloven: N172
Of them that only part the hoof: P96
Of thine oil: P126
Of thy wine: P126
Of woolen and linen stuff mingled together, shall not come upon thee: N215
Offer not on Altar: “hire of harlot” or “price of dog” (N100)
Offer not sacrifices outside Sanctuary/ (Temple) Court (89)
Offer nothing, but specified incense, on Golden Altar (N82)
Offering brought by a zavah (woman with a discharge) (P75)
Offering higher or lower value, according to ones means (P72)
Offerings: P40
Offerings for the afflicted: P48
Offerings made: P41
Officers: P176
Oil: P24
Old and New Covenants: P113
Old leaven cleansed out/not eaten vs. New leaven sanctified/eaten: (MESS)
Old man: P209
Old Testament verses on forgiveness: P72
Omer: N189
On a griddle it shall be made with oil: P40
On a leprous house (P103)
On a robber to restore the stolen article to its owner (P194)
On affixing a Mezuzah unto doorposts and gates (P15)
On appearing before YHWH during the Festivals (P53)
On appointing a king (P173)
On Ashes of the Red Heifer, used in ritual purification (P113)
On assembling each 7th year to hear the Torah read (P16)
On assisting a man loading his beast with its burden (P203)
On beheading transgressors of certain commandments (P226)
On being commanded to love the covert/proselyte (stranger) (P207)
On being required to reprove the sinner (P205)
On binding Tefillin on the hand (P13)
On binding Tefillin on the head (P12)
On bridegroom devotes himself to his wife for one year (P214)
On bringing due offerings to Jerusalem without delay (P83)
On bringing salt with every offering (P62)
On building a Sanctuary (Tabernacle/Temple) for Elohim (P20)
On burial on the same day of execution (P231)
On burning the incense on the golden Altar twice daily (P28)
On burning transgressors of certain commandments (P228)
On circumcising one’s son (P215)
On Cohanim (priests/sons of Kohath) bearing the Ark on their shoulders (P34)
On Cohanim (priests) blessing Yisrael (P26)
On Cohanim (priests) eating the meat of Sin and Guilt Offerings (P89)
On Cohanim (priests) eating the remainder of the Meal Offerings (P88)
On Cohanim (priests) washing hands & feet before entering Temple (P24)
On Cohen ha Gadol’s (the high priest’s) twice daily meal offering (P40)
On condemning witness who testify falsely; False witnesses punished, as they intended

upon accused (P180)
On declaring Shabbat holy at its onset and termination (P155)
On destroying all idolatry and its appurtenances (P185)
On dwelling in a Sukkah (booth) for seven days (P168)
On eating Matzah the first night of Pesach, (Abib 15) (P158)
On eating the Pesach Sheini lamb with Matzah (Unleavened bread) and Maror (bitter herbs) (P58)
On eating the roasted Pesach lamb night of Nisan 15 (P56)
On Eglah Arufah (Elders of the city), on the heifer when murderer unknown (P181)
On establishing Six Cities of Refuge (P182)
On every male giving half a shekel annually to Temple (P171)
On exile to city of refuge for unintentional homicide (P225)
On fasting on Yom Kippur (P164)
On fearing parents (P211)
On garments contaminated by leprosy (P102)
On giving gifts to a Hebrew bondman upon his freedom (P196)
On guarding the Sanctuary (P22)
On hearing the sound of the Shofar (blowing of the horns) on Truah Zichron (Day of Trumpets) (P170)
On heeding the Prophets (P172)
On helping unload when necessary a tired animal (P202)
On honoring parents (P210)
On honoring the Cohanim (priests) (P32)
On honoring the old (and wise) (P209)
On immersing in a mikveh (water) to become ritually clean (P109)
On in case of division, abiding by a majority decision (P175)
On kindling the Menorah (lamp) by the Cohanim (priests) (P25)
On leaving the corners (Peah) of fields for the poor (P120)
On leaving gleanings of the field for the poor (P121)
On leaving grape gleannings for the poor (P124)
On leaving the forgotten sheaf for the poor (P122)
On leaving the misformed grape clusters for the poor (P123)
On lending money to the foreigner with interest (P198)
On lending money to the poor without interest (P197)
On Levitical services in the Tabernacle (P23)
On Levites’ giving tenth of their tithe to the Cohanim (priests) of Aharon (P129)
On love your neighbor as yourself (P206)
On making Tzitzit/fringes with threat of blue, garments corners (P14)
On minimum age of cattle to be offered (P60)
On obeying the Great Court (Sanhedrin) (P174)
On offering brought by a leper after being cleansed (P77)
On offering brought by a woman after childbirth (P76)
On offering brought by a zav (man with a discharge) (P74)
On offering only unblemished sacrifices (P61)
On offerings due from outside Yisrael to the Sanctuary (P85)
On offerings for a Court (Sanhedrin) that has erred (P68)
On ownerless produce of the Shabbatical year (shemittah) (P134)
On paying the worker his wages on time (P200)
On praising Elohim after eating, grace after meals (P19)
On reciting the Sh’ma each morning (“when thou risest up”) and evening (“when thou liest down”) (P10)
On Redeeming blemished sanctified animal offerings (P86)
On Redeeming the First-born of man, Pidyon ha-ben (P80)
On Redeeming the firstling of an ass, if not... (P81)
On rejoicing on the Festivals (P54)
On remembering the nefiarious deeds of Amalek to Yisrael (P189)
On removal of chametz, leaven (yeast) on (Abib 14) Pesach (P156)
On removing the ashes from the Altar (P30)
On removing unclean persons from the camp (P31)
On respecting the Sanctuary (P21)
On resting on Shavuot (P162)
On resting on the 8th day Shemini Atzeret (P167)
On resting on the first day of Pesach (P159)
On resting on the first day of Sukkot (P166)
On resting on the seventh day of Pesach (P160)
On resting on the Shabbat (P154)
On resting on Truah Zichron (Day of blowing the horns) (P163)
On resting on Yom Kippur (P165)
On resting the land on the Shabbatical year (P135)
On restoring a pledge to its owner if he needs it (P199)
On Sanctifying Elohim’s Name (P9)
On sanctifying the Jubilee (50th) year (P136)
On 2nd tithe redemption money (only for food and drink) (N152)
On separating & bringing First-fruits to the Sanctuary (P125)
On setting free the parent bird when taking the next (P148)
On slaughtering the Pesach (Passover) Sheini (Second), Iyyar 14, offering (P57)
On stoning transgressors of certain commandments (P229)
On strangling transgressors of certain commandments (P227)
On studying and teaching Torah (P11)
On taking a Lulav (the four species) on Sukkot (P169)
On taking an oath by Elohim’s Name (P7)
On that a judge can annul vows, only according to Torah (P95)
On that a king must write a copy of Torah for himself (P17)
On that a leper must shave his head (P111)
On that a man must honor his oral vows and oaths (P94)
On that Cohen haGadol (the high priest) may only marry a virgin (P38)
On that everyone should have a Torah scroll (P18)
On that lost property must be returned to its owner (P204)
On that the leper must be made easily distinguishable (P112)
On the Burnt-Offering (Olah) (P63)
On the Cohanim (priests) being defiled for dead relatives (P37)
On the Cohanim (priests) ministering in rotation/watches (P36)
On the Day of Atonement: P48
On the day ye sacrifice it: N131
On the earth: P149
On the eighth day a holy convocation shall be unto you: P167
On the eighth day he shall take to him two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons: P74
On the eighth day he shall take two he-lambs without blemish: P77
On the 8th day of Sukkot: P51
On the eighth day she shall take unto her two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons: P75
On the extinction of the seed of Amalek: P188
On the first day shall be a holy convocation: P166
On the first of the fleece to be given to the Cohen (Priest) (P144)
On the first portion of the Challah (cake) given to the Cohen/priest (Levites) (P133)
On the 14th of Nisan slaughtering the Pesach lamb (P55)
On the fruits of the trees fourth year’s growth (P119)
On the full/new Moon, Chodesh (Moon), addition offering (P42)
On the garments of the Cohanim (priests) (P33)
On the ground: N306
On the Guilt-Offering (Asham) (P65)
On the holiness of substituted animal offerings (P87)
On the holy anointing oil (P35)
On the law about destroying the seven Canaanite nations (P187)
On the law of a borrower (P244)
On the law of a judgment for damage caused by a beast (P240)
On the law of a judgment for damage caused by a fire (P241)
On the law of a paid guardian (P243)
On the law of accurate weights and measures (P208)
On the law of an unpaid guardian (P242)
On the law of buying and selling (P245)
On the law of inheritance (P248)
On the law of injuries caused by an animal (P237)
On the law of injuries caused by an pit (P238)
On the law of litigants (P246)
On the law of marriage (P213)
On the law of punishment of thieves (P239)
On the laws for treating an alien bondman (P235)
On the Meal-Offering (Minchah) (P67)
On the Peace-Offering (Shalom) (P66)
On the penalty for a person inflicting injury (P236)
On the Pesach (Passover) additional offering (P43)
On the perpetual fire on the Altar (P29)
On the redemption of a house within a year of the sale (P139)
On the same day it shall be eaten: N120
On the second day of Pesach (Passover) meal offering of the Omer (P44)
On the seducer must be punished according to the law (P220)
On the service of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Avodah (Service) (P49)
On the seventh day a holy convocation shall be to you: P159
On the seventh day thou shalt rest: P135
On the Shabbat additional, musaf, offering (P41)
On the Shavuot (Baptism of Holy Spirit): P45
On the Shavuot (Pentecost) additional, musaf, offering (P45)
On the Shemini Atzeret (8th day of Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles]) additional offering (P51)
On the Shewbread before the Ark (P27)
On the Sin-Offering (Tath) (P64)
On the special laws for treating the Hebrew bondman (P232)
On the specified procedure of cleansing from leprosy (P110)
On the Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) musaf offering (P50)
On the tenth day of the month: P137
On the third day: P90
On the three annual Festival pilgrimages to the Temple (P52)
On the Tithe of one’s cattle (P78)
On the twice Daily Burnt, tamid, offerings (P39)
On the two Loaves of bread Wave offering on Shavuot (Pentecost) (P46)
On the valuation of a field as a donation to the Temple (P117)
On the valuation of a house as a donation to the Temple (P116)
On the valuation for a person himself to the Temple (P114)
On the valuation for an unclean beast to the Temple (P115)
On the Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) additional offering (P48)
On the Zichron Truah (Day of Trumphs) additional offering (P47)
On this wise ye shall bless the children of Yisrael: P26
On to be fruitful and multiply (P212)
On to give charity to the poor: (P195)
On Tumah (uncleanness) of a human corpse (P107)
On Tumah (uncleanness) of a leper (P101)
On Tumah (uncleanness) of a menstruant woman (P99)
On Tumah of a semen (P105)
On Tumah (uncleanness) of a woman after childbirth (P100)
On Tumah (uncleanness) of a zav (man with a running issue) (P104)
On Tumah (uncleanness) of a zavan (woman suffering from a running issue) (P106)
On walking in Elohim’s ways (P8)
On whipping transgressors of certain commandments (P224)
One and twentieth day: P158
One bullock, one ram, he-lambs of the first year seven, without blemish: P51
One coin of opposite sides (Caesar's and Elohim) rendered to: (MESS)
One day like a thousand years: (MESS)
One El: P1
One ewe-lamb: P77
One for a burnt-offering: P72
One for a sin-offering: P72
One from among thy brethren shalt thou set a king over thee: P173
One lamb: P39
One lamb shalt thou offer in the morning: P39
One log of oil: P77
One may exact a debt owed by a foreigner (P142)
One not of his kin: P216
One of the beast's heads slain and his fatal wound healed: (REV)
One of them die: P216
One of them dies having no child: P216
One seed and many seeds: P105
One shall burn the heifer in his sight; her skin, and her flesh, and her blood, with her dung,
shall be burnt: P113
One shall not take to pledge the mill or the upper millstone: N242
One shall slaughter her before his face: P113
One Spirit: N8
One smote be quit: P236
One that consult a ghost or familiar spirit: N31
One that hath a flat nose: N71
One that useth divination: N31
One witness: N288
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity: N288
One witness shall not testify against any person that he die: N291
One year: P214
One young bullock: P47
Only be steadfast in not eating the blood: N182
Only he shall pay for the loss of his time: P236
Only he shall not multiply horses to himself: N46
Only may be done by you: P159
Only One El: P1
Only the blood ye shall not eat: P86
Only the trees of which thou knowest that they are not trees for food: N57
Only unto the veil: N69
Only unto the veil he shall not go in: N69
Only unto the vessels of the holy furniture: N71
Open a pit: P238
Open land to the cities round about them ye shall give to the Levites: P183
Open thy hand: P195
Open to those seeking peace: P190
Openeth the womb: P79
Oppress not an employee by delaying paying his wages (N238)
Oppression: P59
Ordinance: P72
Ordinance of Passover: N128
Orphan: N256
Osprey (large brown and white hawk): N174
Ostrich (large flightless bird): N174
Other beast coming up exercises all the authority of the first beast: (REV)
Other creeping things: P97
Other elohim: P18
Other lamb: P39
Other lamb shalt thou offer at dusk: P39
Other sacrifices: P83
Our abiding in His righteousness before His appearance vs. those shrinking away from Him: (MESS)
Our body of sin (death) vs. His redemption of our body raised from the death of Messiah: (MESS)
Our body of sin (old self) buried vs. one body of Messiah (new self) raised: (MESS)
Our clusters (works) out of our hearts (earth) gathered into the wine press of His wrath: (REV)
Our death (old self) in Messiah, new self resurrected in Messiah, newness of spiritual life: (MESS)
Our eternal Lamb (Yahushua haMashiyach [the Messiah]): P55
Our inside transformations from our body of sin to body of humbleness to body of His glory: (MESS)
Our instruction out of what was written in earlier times to know the works of opposition: (MESS)
Our keeping of His commandments without blemish till His return: (MESS)
Our partaking in tribulation, kingdom and perseverance in Yahushua: (REV)
Our patience strengthen our sanctified hearts with His judgment till His second coming: (MESS)
Our previous works of present earth/heaven vs. our works of new earth/heaven (2 Peter 3): (MESS)
Our spiritual flight (trials) not in the world of coldness/hardness nor of fleshly rest/Shabbat: (MESS)
Our spiritual renewal work in Messiah vs. those falling away doctrines before His appearing: (MESS)
Our spiritual (inside) transformation (resurrection) and renewal life: (MESS)
Our true Redeemer: P78
Out from His throne comes flashes of lightning, sounds and peals of thunder: (REV)
Out of all your tribes: P83
Out of Egypt: P1
Out of the camp: N78
Out of the house of bondage: N197
Out of the land of Egypt: P168
Out of the threshing-floor: P196
Out of the wine-press: P196
Out of thy flock: P196
Out of your dwellings ye shall bring two wave-loaves: P46
Outflow of thy presses: N154
Outside the Camp: P31
Over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth: P212
Over the fowl of the heaven: P212
Over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings: P59
Over your brethren the children of Yisrael, one over another: P235
Overnight: N115
Owner: P237
Owner be quit: P237
Owner not being with it: P244
Ox: P143
Ox and ass rest from work: P154
Mitzvot P1-P9, P10-P19, P20-P28, P29-P38, P39-P44, P45-P53, P54-P60, P61-P71, P72-P76, P77-P91,