Mitzvot P1-P9, P10-P19, P20-P28, P29-P38, P39-P44, P45-P53, P54-P60, P61-P71, P72-P76, P77-P91,
Jealous El: N5
Jealousies: P223
Jealousy: P223
Jealousy offering: N104
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stone those who are sent to her vs.
New Jerusalem: (MESS)
Jerusalem on the east and His feet standing on the Mount of Olives on the west is split: (MESS)
Jerusalem surrounded by armies and recognized of her desolation: (MESS)
Jerusalem tramped under foot by the Gentiles until the times of Gentiles: (MESS)
Jointed legs: P151
Journey: P57
Jubilee: P136
Judge accept not colleague's opinion, unless sure right (N283)
Judge not avoid justice being in fear of wicked person (N276)
Judge not to hear one litigant in absence of the other (N281)
Judge not to pity one who killed or caused loss of limb (N279)
Judgment: P174
Judges: P176
Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates: P176
Just balances: P208
Just ephah: P208
Just hin shall ye have: P208
Just weights: P208
Justice: P175
Justice between the chief baker and the chief cupbearer: P175
Justice between two women claiming the living child: P175
Justice enjoined: P177
Keep burning upon the altar: N81
Keep his bed: P236
Keep My (His) Commandments: P131
Keep My Shabbat: P211
Keep Commandments: P5
Keep the charge of the Tent of meeting: N72
Keep the commandments of YHWH: P14
Keep the Law: P17
Keep the ordinance yearly: P157
Keep the Pesach unto YHWH thy Eloheyak: P153
Keep thyself: N290
Kid: N180
Kidnapping: P227
Kill it: P239
Kindling: N52
Kindness: P202
King: P173
Kingdom: P17
Kingdom of heaven near in time, your repentance, it comes upon you: (MESS)
Kinsman: P73
Kite (hawk with long narrow wings): N174
Know His Name and praise/pronounce His Name: P8
Know that He is YHWH: P168
Kohathities: P34
Lamb of Elohim: P39
Lambs: P39
Lamp: P25
Land: P1
Land flowing with milk and honey: P125
Land not defiled: P231
Land of Egypt: P1
Land which YHWH gives thee: P188
Landmark: N246
Lasciviousness: P220
Last days of the fleshly age: (MESS)
Law: P64
Law of the Nazirite/Nazrene: P92
Law of the purification water of sprinkling, meiniddah (P108)
Law of YHWH in your mouth: P157
Law Read: P16
Law (Son of Man) separates the kingdom of death from His Kingdom of Life: P64
Lawless wars not frightened that must take place, not yet the end of fleshly age: (MESS)
Lawlessness in my body war against His Law of my mind (inner man): (MESS)
Lawlessness increased vs. His Law endured till the end of fleshly age: (MESS)
Laws of purity: P58
Lay down my life for the sheep: P65
Lay with a virgin not betrothed: P218
Laying on Hands: P63
Leap upon the earth: P151
Leave not body of executed criminal hanging (N66)
Leave not sacrificial portions of Pesach lamb overnight (N116)
Leaven: P46
Leaven of Shavuot: P46
Leavened bread: P156
Leavened bread shall not been seen with thee: N198
Leavened bread (fleshly minded) vs. Unleavened bread (spiritual minded): (MESS)
Leaving his father and his mother: P213
Left hand: P174
Legs: P56
Legs above their feet: P151
Lending: P195
Lepers: P31
Leprosy: P101
Lest he cry against thee unto YHWH: P200
Lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee: N58
Lest the fullness of the seed be forfeited: N193
Lest they make thee sin against Me: N51
Lest ye die: N165
Lest you be snared in it: N22
Let all his males be circumcised: N127
Let beast loose: P240
Let her be redeemed: P233
Let him come near to make it: N127
Let it not be heard of thy mouth: N14
Let no man go out of his place on the seventh day: N321
Let not approach to offer the bread of his Elohayu: N70
Let not your heart faint: P191
Let the whole house of Yisrael bewail the burning which YHWH hath kindled: N163
Let the wrong deeds belong to what is wrong, the righteous deeds belong to what is right: (REV)
Let them make Me a Sanctuary: P20
Let them rise up and help you, let him be your protection: N194
Let us go and serve other elohim/idols (unknown): N16
Let us serve them: N28
Levitical priesthood: P129
Levites: P17
Levities & Cohanim (Priests) not to interchange in their functions (N72)
Levites’s giving tenth: P129
Levites gone astray: P183
Levites have not part in the division of Yisrael’s land (N169)
Levities having no inheritance: P23
Levites share not in the spoils of war (N170)
Lewdness: P228
Liberty: P136
Light: P25
Lighted (spiritual) body vs. darkened (fleshly) body: (MESS)
Like unto me: P172
Linen: P30
Linen breeches: P30
Linen breeches shall he put upon his flesh: P30
Linen garment: P30
Lintel: P56
Lips: P72
Listed different creeping things: P97
Listen not to one who prophesies in the name of idols (N28)
Little owl: N174
Live alone: P112
Live not alone: P112
Living creatures: N173
Locks: P92
Locks of hair: P92
Locusts: P151
Loins: P56
Longevity: P17
Look at the spiritual serpent: P59
Loose his shoe from off his foot: P217
Loose shoe off his foot: P217
Loosened from the Kingdom of YHWH: P150
Loosing his shoe: P217
Loss of his time: P236
Lost thing of thy brother's: N269
Lost thing which he found: P194
Love Enjoined: P3
Love Me: N5
Love to YHWH: N28
Love parents is more than Me is not worthy of Me: P37
Love ye therefore the stranger: P207
Love your neighbor as thyself: P206
Love your strangers: P207
Luke 23:50-56 and 24:1-26 explanation of "Third Day": (MESS)
Lunar calendar vs. Solar calendar: P41
Maidservant: P233
Maimed: N92
Make a war against it: N57
Make fringes in the borders of their garments: P14
Make no covenant with them: P48
Make not any incision in Cohen ha Gadol’s (the High Priest’s) upper garment (N88)
Male - 0-5 yrs old - 5 shekels --- Female - 0-5 yrs old - 3 shekels: P114
Male - 5-20 yrs old - 20 shekels --- Female - 5-20 yrs old - 10 shekels: P114
Male - 20-60 yrs old - 50 shekels --- Female - 20-60 yrs old - 30 shekels:
Male - 60+ yrs old - 15 shekels --- Female - 60+ yrs old - 10 shekels: P114
Man: P57
Man and wife becoming one flesh: P213
Man-child: P100
Man falling from roof: P184
Man may not lie with beasts (N348)
Man unable of protection (eunuch) not to marry Jewess (N360)
Man-servant: N265
Man’s conception from the dark moon to the dark moon: P42
Man’s jealousy: P223
Mankind: N350
Manner of loan: N239
Manner of lost thing: P246
Manner of servile work: P47
Manner of the release: N230
Manslayer: P182
Many awaken out of their sleep, these to everlasting life but others to everlasting contempt: (MESS)
Many days: N57
Many evils: P18
Many receive His Word of Life but fall away, betray and hate others: (MESS)
Many teach falsely using great signs and wonders to mislead others: (MESS)
Many that sleep in the dust awaken, these to everlasting life, others to disgrace: (MESS)
Many troubles: P18
Many walk here in their spiritual lives till they are caught up (transformed)
at the ends of their fleshly ages: (MESS)
Many who are first will be last; and the last, first: (MESS)
Many will come in My name, saying, I am the Messiah, and will mislead many: (MESS)
Marks: N41
Marriage: P38
Marriage of the Lamb: N52
Massah: N64
Master: P232
Master’s Duty: P200
Masters’ Duty: P226
Matter: P246
Matter of trespass: P246
Maw (Stomach): P143
Measure: P224
Measure of his wickedness: P224
Measured: P142
Measurement: P208
Meal-offering of jealousies: P223
Meal-offering of memorials: P223
(Meat) Meal-offerings: P40
Meal-offering in broken pieces: P40
Memorials: P14
Men from every tribe, tongue, and nation purchased with His blood: (REV)
Men not wear women’s garment: N40
Men not wearing women’s clothes or adornments (N40)
Merchandise departed from the transgressors: P40
Mercy: P199
Mercy Promised: N5
Mercy-seat: N68
Messiah, Prophet: P172
Messiah’s sayings on Love: P3
Messianic prophecies: P172
Meteyard: P208
Mezuzah (small parchment scroll): P15
Mice (Mouse): P97
Midst of the broad place: P186
Midst of thee: P172
Might: P3
Mightiness: P177
Milk: P18
Milk of its mother: P125
Mill: N242
Millstone: N242
Mine altar: N80
Mingled stuff: N42
Mingled with oil: P77
Mingled with oil and the drink-offering thereof: P41
Mixed seeds: N193
Modesty: N39
Molech (the idol of the Ammonities): N7
Molten Elohim (idols): N3
Molten elohim make ye not to yourself: N3
Money: P116
Month Abib: P52
Morning: P39
Morning and Evening: P10
Morrow: N131
Morrow after the day: P44
Morrow after the day of rest: P161
Morrow after the seventh Shabbat: P46
Moshe: P26
Mother: P125
Mother’s milk: N180
Mountains: P185
Mourning in ashes: P30
Mouth sweetness, stomach bitterness, prophecy to all: (REV)
Mouths: P18
Much forgiveness and less forgiveness: P72
Multitude: P175
Multitude doing the evil ways: P175
Multiplication: N24
Multiply your horses: N46
Murder: N243
Murderer: N295
Must be eaten by every man: P159
Mutilation: N41
Muzzle not animal working field to prevent from eating (N219)
My covenant: P215
My daughter: P219
My food: P39
My food for My offerings made by fire: P39
My holy name: P9
My husband’s brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother a name in Yisrael: P217
My mourning: N150
My name: P26
My offerings: P39
My people: P197
My people come up out of their graves (bones) to His Kingdom/land of Yisrael: (MESS)
My sanctuary: P21
My sanctuary shall ye reverence: P21
My servants: N258
My Shabbats: P21
My Shabbats ye shall keep: P21
My statues shall ye keep: N215
Mitzvot P1-P9, P10-P19, P20-P28, P29-P38, P39-P44, P45-P53, P54-P60, P61-P71, P72-P76, P77-P91,